Clasa VI

Lecții filmate Activități interactive
Limba engleză
Save Our Nature
Reading Together
A United Family
Meals and Table Manners
Moldovan Codrii
Sandy's Flat
Expecting Guests
It's a Wonderful World
Public transport rules
Let's go shopping!
At the Grocery
The adventure continues
Let's Discover Wildlife
A book to take me lands away
Schools in England
Inventions in Our Life
When classes are over
Friends from the USA
An Invitation to the USA
At my Grandparents
Wonders of Nature
In the Country
English in our life
Legendary Past, Part 1
A Song of Seasons
A Life Devoted to People
Reading Together
Legentady Past, Part 2
Round Up
End of book round up
In the street
Play Safe and Stay Safe
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